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Our AWANA Commander

Mark Shoaf
Mr. Mark has served as the AWANA Commander for 14 years. He was worked with the AWANA programs for 27 years alongside his wife Melanie. Mr. Mark grew up at Swan Creek Baptist Church and has close ties with our community. He serves as the Chaplain of our local fire department. With a deep desire to minister to the Children of Yadkin County through our local church, he would love for you to come experience an AWANA night with us.
Our Staff
Director - Blair Bishop
Heather Burton
Director - Sandra Adams
Jonnie Groce
Kathryn Foster
Jean Frye
Director - Melanie Shoaf
Anita Hall
Penny Castevens
Rachel Castevens
T&T Girls
Susan Weatherman
Angela Love
Rosa Foster
Jessica Alexander
T&T Boys
Director - Mark Shoaf
Brian Weatherman
Tim Weatherman
Micah Alexander
AWANA Pledge
"I pledge allegiance to the AWANA flag, which stands for the AWANA clubs, whose goal is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him."
Upcoming Events
AWANA Awards Night
May 15, 2024
(For more information, please contact Mr. Mark Shoaf at

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